Today, I received the sad news that my mentor and teacher Jason Berger passed away. A master of linguistict puns, he taught me that paintings contain visual puns and visual double entendres. His innate exuberance matched mine, even though, in the very beginning of my studies with him , I remember him looking at an unarticulated sketch of mine and saying, “Use a little less paprika!” He also told me, “Always tell the visual truth.”
Most importantly, as a landscape painter, he taught me to get out and paint. Every day, I use the lessons he taught me. The large garden series that I starting this fall [ posted 9/20/2010], will be now dedicated to him. Thank you, Jason.
Hello Vivian,
I share the greeve you feel about the passing away of Jason Berger last octobre. I met him 8 years ago when I was painting in Normandie. We became friends and I visited him several years in Normandie. I met his wife Leena also. Both visited Holland and my home several times in the years after 2002. Next year 2011 (may) I have a show with Jason his works in a dutch gallery (The Hague). I still have good contact with his wife.
I saw your works on the net and read your story about Jason. He will live trough in his beautifull works. We will miss him !!
regards..Frans Bianchi (dutch painter)
Thank You Vivian, Leena wife former student and fan of Jason
Hello Vivian, I was a student of Jason from the “Art Institute of Boston” , and traveled with him to Normandy back in 1984, which truely inspired my growth as a painter and I will miss Jason very much, but I did love his way of teaching , mixing his wisdom of painting with lots of puns! I loved it. Every now and then I play the video that he made back in the 90’s , entitled: “Living on the edge of the World”, A must see Video/DVD , if you haven’t seen it.
I met Jason at the Boston Museum School in 1954. I and other students at the school became friends of Jason and Marilyn and were invited into their home for happy, cordial evenings. Some of us joined him in his Boston studio where he encouraged us to be bold in our composition and color. Surrounding us were many of his Matisse-like canvases, examples of his joy in painting. I am glad he had such a long life in which to express he delight in artistic expression.