Vivian dancing by garden painting in storage

Gardens are the bed of life. Vivian’s gardens are wild and free, where deep purple eggplants grow next to abundant colorful roses, and 8-foot high tropical tarot leaves make friends with 14-foot high Hungarian broom corn, all flourishing in a downtown front garden on the cool eastern seaboard.

Vivian grows the garden, creates paintings from the garden, transforms its fruits into delicious dishes that are a feast for the mouth and eyes, which are photographed to transform that seed of life into yet another work of art that lives on.

Vivian has created immersive and edible gardens in residential homes, boulevards, rooftops of office buildings, NYC courtyards, and more, often planting over 120 edible species in each garden.

Her rooftop office building garden births apple trees and over 50 different varieties of tomatoes.