I am on the furthest eastward point of St. John US VI in a beautiful rented villa open to the sea and air on all sides. The only discordant part of the gorgeous setting and decor are the fake indoor plants that seem to be de rigueur in vacation homes. The silliest is the fake banana tree in the hexagonal living room. Joel and Clara hung a bunch of real bananas in its leaves in protest.
Since the villa is open air like a South Pacific fale, hummingbirds fly through the kitchen, as well as the most frequent visitors to the living room bananas!

Banana eating people will appreciate this impromptu dessert I made the other night at the villa.
Banana Sundae Cookies and Cream
Slice ripe bananas into a saute pan with melted butter. I usually do not like salt in my cakes or desserts, but this being an island, salted butter was all I had and it did provide a flavor segue between the sweet bananas and the smoky bourbon . Cook on a medium to high flame add a little sugar and a generous splash of Knob Creek Kentucky Straight Bourbon. Continue until the sauce has caramelized and bananas are browned. Serve immediately over “Cookies and Cream” ice cream or any flavor ice cream that is handy.
Another banana innovation was discovered by Ariel. Putting a dollop of the warm bananas on cold watermelon, the sauce turns crispy caramel. Elegantly the watermelon could be cubed but here it is au natural.

vivian – thank you thank you thank you for such a beautiful time with you and joel. i love the photo of you painting the banana birds. i can still taste the delicious banana bourbon cream, mmmm, it was soooo delicious!