Sorghum: The Sweet Taste of Success

Sorghum; the sweet extracted juice This Summer's boulevard garden was a great success. The broom corn reached a record height of 15' 8". Nestled among the amaranth, broom corn, cotton, beets,…

On the Boulevard: My Front Chard

One of the most beautiful, healthy and delicious parts of my garden is my "front chard". It grows  between the sidewalk and the road on a patch about  140 square feet ,which…

Summer Squash: Sunshine

In the third quarter of July, I noticed a little empty space in the garden leading to the house. It was a stubborn piece of earth. In that spot, I had tried…

Too many tomatoes? Let’s play ketchup

The rays of the late afternoon sun are lengthening and what seemed impossible two months earlier is now a reality; there are too many tomatoes to eat and too little…

Clockwork orange

orange in the garden,caro rich tomatoes,carrots,orange stemmed chard,nasturtiums and marigolds  Like clockwork, a year to the day, since our last year's tomato tasting, Corey Mintz shows up at my door…

A toast to the tomato: tomato tasting, part 3

This is the recipe I created after last year's tomato tasting . I used cinnamon bread because the taste of cinnamon and basil are reminiscent of each other. Cinnamon French Toast topped with…