Canadian’s Environmental Satisfaction

  Who would have thought that me and my  rooftop garden would become the Poster Garden and Girl for Canadian's evironmental satisfaction?  Congratulation to the lucky tenants at

Summer Squash:Liquid Sunshine

Several years ago I put on an event at my gallery  called " The Neuroscience of Molecular Gastronomy"   It was a collaboration with my daughter, Ariel Garten ,who lectured  about…

Sorghum: The Sweet Taste of Success

Sorghum; the sweet extracted juice This Summer's boulevard garden was a great success. The broom corn reached a record height of 15' 8". Nestled among the amaranth, broom corn, cotton, beets,…

On the Boulevard: My Front Chard

One of the most beautiful, healthy and delicious parts of my garden is my "front chard". It grows  between the sidewalk and the road on a patch about  140 square feet ,which…

Horseradish, of Plague and Pleasure

Horseradish leaves in my garden in the Fall  The first  thing we harvest from our garden in the Spring is horseradish for our traditional Passover plate. We dig up the root ,wash…

One Hot Tomato!

This article alludes to our tomatoes at Mintz: A funny bone with no meat on it At the Rivoli, for the Sunday night Laugh Sabbath event that was supposed to…

Summer Squash: Sunshine

In the third quarter of July, I noticed a little empty space in the garden leading to the house. It was a stubborn piece of earth. In that spot, I had tried…

Too many tomatoes? Let’s play ketchup

The rays of the late afternoon sun are lengthening and what seemed impossible two months earlier is now a reality; there are too many tomatoes to eat and too little…