Vivian Reiss, es una artista consagrada y versátil por tutear a todas las disciplinas, es pintora, arquitecta y decoradora interiorista por nombrar algunas de sus facetas. Nació en N. York…
CURBED website profiles Vivian’s home
See Curbed. Curbed is an American real estate and urban design website.
Boutique Office Building Yields Bountiful Crops and Inspiration
Most office buildings are cloistered away from nature, let alone agriculture. One exception is the Toronto's 124 Merton St is a boutique office building, whose bounteous crops reap benefits for…
Video: Valentine’s Day Chocolate Pudding Episode
Making a delicious chocolate pudding for Valentines day.
VIDEO: Growing Cotton in Your Front Yard
Learn how to plant and grow cotton, and what you get after it has blossomed. Please also join Vivian Reiss Landscapes Facebook page:
Video: Reiss interviewed in her garden
Vivian interviewed by her son Joel Garten.