The favorite sandwich of my youth, hardly requires a recipe. Slice a tomato. Spread one side of a slice of rye bread, and yes, it must be rye, with mayonnaise.…
I love making and eating soup for breakfast. On this hot Summer's day looking at a pile of ripe tomatoes that I grew, it was obvious what the main ingredient for today's…
Last year I planted fig trees in all of my gardens. I even planted them in pots at the entrance of our office building. Their leaves are…
Standing in the greenhouse looking at a choice of seedlings of 200 varieties of heritage tomatoes I could grow was a thrill.This Spring having built more wooden boxes and added more colored plastic tubs to my office roof…
Today on the boulevard the broom corn has reached 10 feet tall and the millet-like sprays are opening. It is sure to add another few feet. The amaranth heads are…
Sliced tomatoes, purple shiso, purple basil, sliced burgundy pole beans, and chives from my urban farm just outside the kitchen door One of my favorite cookbooks is Edward de Pomiane's…
Today on my office rooftop garden at there were at least 22 varieties of tomatoes ripening.We have a total of 57 different varieties of heritage tomatoes. Photos from left to right: Hawaiian Pineapple,…
As a child my Mother encouragingly told me;" You can do anything you put your mind too." As an adult, reality usually impinges on that fantasy and you realize that a…
This morning Dan Goodbaum came to my garden to interview me for a video he is making about my garden and my gardening philosophy . The bees were at work.